Three Reasons Purchasing Managers Love the UNIVERSAL Shim

Do you think purchasing managers enjoy three-hour lunches and leave work early? If you said yes, you never met a purchasing manager. This role is the glue that holds the organization together. By making smart decisions, a purchasing manager keeps the supply chain running smoothly. At times, it can be a bit of a juggling
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The UNIVERSAL SHIM™ Celebrates an Anniversary

Anniversaries are a time to reflect on the past year, appreciate each other, and dream about what’s to come. We’re used to celebrating the day we met our sweetheart, but why not celebrate the invention of a new product? If we weren’t living during a pandemic, we might throw a huge anniversary party for the
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How the UNIVERSAL SHIM™ Saves You Time and Money

Did you hear that?  As the clattering sound from your unsteady equipment increases, so does the potential of damage. Your machine cost thousands—possibly even tens of thousands—of dollars. Plus, 2020 has been a rough year for most businesses, possibly including yours. Who has a few thousand dollars lying around to invest in a completely preventable
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